Course curriculum

    1. Prologue - Goals and Contents of This Onboarding Course

    2. Structure of This Onboarding Course

    3. How to Navigate Through the Interface of This Course

    1. Why Did We Develop This Course? Our Goals.

    2. Our First Goal: Inspire Customers

    3. Our Second Goal: Employee Satisfaction

    4. Our Third Goal: Profitability

    5. Our Fourth Goal: We Live and Work in Harmony With Our Environment and Nature.

    6. Our Fifth Goal: To Make the World Around Us a Little Better by the Way We Work.

    7. Our Mission

    8. Our Vision

    9. Our Goals - Quiz

    1. Our Corporate Culture

    2. Our Corporate Culture - Quiz

    1. Values and Leadership Principles

    2. 1. We Are Customer Focused

    3. 2. We Set Examples – Be a Leader!

    4. 3. We Derive Creativity From Diversity

    5. 4. We Provide Quality

    6. 5. We Love Communication

    7. 6. We Work in a Team

    8. 7. We Are Self-Aware

    9. 8. We Are Agile

    10. 9. We Grow - Individually and as a Team

    11. 10. We Preserve Resources

    12. 11. We Generate Wealth

    13. Putting Leadership Principles to Practice

    14. Our Values and Principles - Quiz

    1. Our Organizational Structure

    2. The Basis: Our Squads

    3. The Tribes

    4. The Chapters

    5. The Management

    6. The Controlling

    7. Our Organizational Structure - Quiz

    1. Introduction to Our Processes and Methods

    2. The Blackbit Method

    3. Scrum

    4. Kanban

    5. Scrumban

    6. Scrum Practices and Agile Methods

    7. The 3C-Method

    8. Growth Driven Design (GDD)

    9. Digital Commerce Performance Roadmap

    10. Documentation

    11. Qualitymanagement

    12. Our Processes and Methods - Quiz

About this course

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  • 49 Lektionen
  • 2 Stunden Videoinhalt

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